From p.i. a new DVRB blind box To-fu series. 14 in total, so far 6 of the designs are from the old line, and (almost) 6 new designs following the alphabet (the fake tofu has been done but the redesign is the best in the series.) along with two chase figures one from Toma and Tokidoki. The back of the pack-in slip shows series two, and it looks like it will continue along the same pattern.
The fugues are vinyl body, ABS head, articulation points should be obvious. All in all really cute designs, but sloppy in construction. The paint is sloppy, which is strange because the scheme is so simplified from a normal DVRB design (most notable is the absence of the customary logo & text layout usually found on the rear of the figure). Again, lots of overrun and incomplete fills (take a closer look at the feet), the form also suffers from low quality; divots, blemishes, and HUGE mold seams.
These figures are cheaper than a kubrick, but not by that much, certainly not enough to justify the lack of quality that these figures suffer.
On a plus note, give whoever is marketing these things a raise, there wasn't too much buzz pre-release on the vinyl scene but now that they're out they're everywhere in retail. I've seen a big spread in Urban Outfitters, even at Kinokuniya which usually limits the toys to mainstream godzilla, Domo, etc. or anime-themed blind box. Impressive market saturation for the to-fu series that really has never seen that much shelf space.